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Code: UGM08

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Quick Overview

154 parts.
Finished model size 158 x 73 x 137mm. (Rail 767 x
54 x 70mm)

The Tram or Streetcar is one of the oldest types of urban
transportation. A famous San Francisco cable car was
put onto rails in 1873 and still works to this day! Our tram
is inspired by the fi rst street-cars and funicular railways,
and is probably the most romantic model in our portfolio
– apart from the retro fl air, it can carry a love message to
the other side of the table! In Tram mode it’s propelled
by a rubber band engine, but it can be pulled by gravity
when set to funicular mode and one end of the rails is
tilted up. Levers on both ends of the rail can be used to
elevate the model above the ground, creating a bridge.

Tram’s pantograph functions as a lever which
pushes out the wind-up wheel of the rubber
band engine. There’s also a start lever, direction
shifter, a brake lever, and even an emergency
exit to the roof. And of course, as in most of
our models, there’s a storage space. 154 parts.
Finished model size 158 x 73 x 137mm. (Rail 767 x
54 x 70mm)