Suitable for most surfaces, including rigid polystyrene, wood, glass, metal, china and ceramics.
Quick drying, leaving no brush marks, all tinlets have coloured lids to show exact shade and are embossed with the colour reference number.
All colours are intermixable and resist steam, boiling water, salt water, fumes, oil and dirt.
Apply with a brush or airbrush using, for example Humbrol Enamel Thinners. Preferably using two thin coats as opposed to one thick coat. Usual thinning ratio is 2 part paint, 1 part thinner.
• Colour: Chrome Silver
• Enamel
• Size: 14ml tinlet
• 1-2 hours touch-dry.
• Up to 24 hours to hard-dry
• Recoat: 6 hours minimum
• Metallic Finish