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Chess Moulds Mandarin No1 Set

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Chess Moulds Mandarin No1 Set

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Code: CS22

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Quick Overview

This beautiful set comprises replicas of pieces from different sets carved in ivory from China during the 19th century.
The King and Queen resemble pieces of a Kang-Hs (1662-1722) set of the Ch'ing dynasty (1644-1912), and the Bishop and Castle are similar to pieces from a Ch'ien Lung set (1736-1795).
The original castle probably featured a pennant flying from a flagpole attached to the chair on the elephant's back.
The set is completed by a horseman mounted on a rearing horse, with a footsoldier as the Pawn.
All pieces are mounted on matching octagonal bases.
King approximately 133mm high.
Recommended board size 60mm squares.

This beautiful set comprises replicas of pieces from different sets carved in ivory from China during the 19th century.
The King and Queen resemble pieces of a Kang-Hs (1662-1722) set of the Ch'ing dynasty (1644-1912), and the Bishop and Castle are similar to pieces from a Ch'ien Lung set (1736-1795).
The original castle probably featured a pennant flying from a flagpole attached to the chair on the elephant's back.
The set is completed by a horseman mounted on a rearing horse, with a footsoldier as the Pawn.
All pieces are mounted on matching octagonal bases.
King approximately 133mm high.
Recommended board size 60mm squares.